Disrupt | Digitize | Innovate | Secure

January 23, 2019 | New York, NY

Discussion Group Topics:


How significant is blockchain to the future of banking?

• Explore the underlying technology, and how blockchain may be used
• What can we learn from enterprise adoption patterns of other transformative technology?
• What are the challenges and how financial services can address them?

Cyber Security

How cyber attacks impact on the level of confidence in the financial system

• Balancing safety with customer convenience
• The new security risks the IoT presents for financial services
• Designing, monitoring and measuring your cyber-security goals and keeping your data safe.

Digital Transaction

Staying relevant and competitive in the digital age

• Assessing the benefits from going digital and the opportunities for digitization
• Developing a Digital Transaction Management (DTM) system to enhance your customer expectations
• Using toolkits and API to integrate a DTM system with existing systems

Robotics / AI

Adopt robotics/AI to slash costs and simplify legacy systems

• Using Robotics/AI to automate activities
• Learning about the cultural and technical issues to gradually increase adoption across your enterprise
• What new skills in the team you will need to support your adoption flexibly and resiliently?

Disruptive Technologies

Develop a disruptive strategic platform to understand the disruptive 

• Developing a road map for building competitive advantage in digital banking
• Moving beyond the rhetoric of business and IT alignment
• Aligning your talent requirements to your operational vision

IT Governance

How can IT support the organization’s strategy?

• How IT can support the organization’s strategy
• How much value IT creates in keeping both business and IT initiatives on track
• Providing a framework for dialogue that links business and technology capabilities, furthering organization-wide goals

Data Security

Combat the evolving security threat to protect your customer’s assets and data

• Reevaluating and remaining vigilant to combat the speed of hackers infiltrating technology
• Promoting shared insights to enhance security across the organization
• Measuring and protecting your customers’ assets and IP

Big Data Analytics

Unveiling the opportunities in hidden unstructured data

• Do you know where all your data is? How is data discoverable across your organization?
• How do you ensure data continues to deliver value, rather simply being a management burden?
• How are you leveraging Smart Data – that adds value to your organization and users?

Digital Identity

How will you manage the evolving digital identity in your bank?

• Creating and making authentication more secure
• What will a universal digital identity look like?
• How will you protect the privacy of your customers?

Cloud Solutions

Public cloud vs. on-premises solutions

• What are the challenges in shifting from an on-premises model to cloud-based model?
• What are the best ways to manage an architecture that is more diffused and fragmented than ever?
• How to balance security, data protection and commercial confidently?

Customer Intelligence

Build the technology capabilities to capture your customer’s need 

• Creating the “new normal” operating model customer and context-centered
• Offering a seamless omnichannel experience, through a smart balance of human and machines
• Transforming customer interaction through artificial intelligence (AI)

Modernizing IT

How will you update your IT operating model to transition to the new normal?

• Will you build or buy?
• Is your organization equipped for the new program, now and as it continues to evolve?
• How will you determine if you are moving on the right path?

Modern IT Infrastructure

Build your architecture to connect to anything, anywhere

• The impact of API economy
• Re- engineering or tweaking?
• Overcoming hurdles?

Sharing Economy

Use Information Technology to create alternative distribution channels

• How peer-to-peer transactions will revolutionize the design of specific financial services of the value chain or customers
• Creating alternative distribution channels
• Delivering services at lower cost, convenience, and ease-of-use

Managing Talent in the Digital Age

Preparing your organization to access to the right talent to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s technical environment

• Revitalizing your human capital strategy
• Learning from Asian financial institutions and FinTech companies
• Reexamining what you offer employees regarding compensation, benefits, and flexibility. Etc.

The Next Phase of IT Transformation

How will you reimagine your IT development, delivery and operating models?

• Shifting IT’s focus from maintenance and support system to innovating and enabling business strategy
• Staying responsive to the business and help in shaping the organization’s broader strategy
• Reimaging IT development to enhance IT’s ability to collaborate effectively within the enterprise and beyond its traditional boundaries

Open Banking Platform

Offer a banking-as-a-platform service model using an app-store like platform

• Developing APIs to deliver products and services
• Providing connection points, access to multiple payment networks and channels and ensuring interoperability into digital banking platform
• How to put this all together coherently and cohesively for consumers?

Embracing Innovation

How to keep up with constant change and innovation

• What does innovation mean for the financial services?
• How are financial services transforming their business operations?
• What approached are used to foster the culture of innovation

Wrap-Up Panel Discussion:

The Role of the CIO in Financial Services 

Re-creating the role of the CIO 

  • How will a CIO organize complexity and what models, frameworks, and approaches help to address them?
  • How a CIO determines the change required in adopting new technologies?
  • What strategic skills set a CIO need to acquire to re-create the role of the CIO

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