Digitize | Transform | Lead | Secure
October 24, 2019 | Houston, TX
CIO Leadership and Influence
Why CIO Leadership and influence is more critical to CIO success than ever?
• As the CIO changes from a traditional to the transformational role, what new skill sets are required?
• How does a CIO develop the leadership and influence to facilitate business and technology change?
• How can a CIO use this influence to successfully lead a large transformation?
CIO Driving Growth
What roles can the CIO adopt to drive business growth?
• What differentiates the top CIO from the typical?
• What non-IT areas the CIO can focus on to drive growth?
• How would you measure your performance?
Developing an IT Innovation Culture Aligned with the Business Culture
Creating and maintaining an innovative, business-focused culture in your organization
• How do you drive innovation throughout the organization?
• What are the next steps towards aligning your staff and the business culture?
• How can you successfully apply change management to transformational challenges?
IT Transformation: From Supporting the Business to Becoming the Business
Re-inventing your IT organization, its architecture and you to succeed amidst massive industry change
• How can you move beyond operational excellence?
• How are you shaping the organization’s broader strategy?
• What is needed to take your IT department to a new level?
Build an Enterprise-Wide IT Security Strategy
How to strengthen the security posture of your organization?
• Establish risk tolerance and appetite
• Determine where you are at and where you want to be
• Leverage security frameworks and best practices to implement your strategy
The Shift in Corporate Cybersecurity Strategies
Determine the risk versus the rewards of the cyberspace
• Develop a program and the associated business plan that identifies cyber risk and build cyber resilience
• What critical capabilities your organization need to possess to increase resilience from cyber threats?
• Ensure your program can withstand impacts from evolving cyber threats
Cybersecurity Leadership
Strong leadership in the area of cybersecurity is critical to any organization
• What traits are essential in a cybersecurity leader such as a CISO
• How does a CISO build and lead an effective security team?
• How does a CISO influence and lead the organization to improve security?
Adaptive IT: Staying Responsive to your Organization’s Business Needs
Adapting successfully to the evolving technological environment
• How can you take advantage of new digital capabilities?
• Where should you invest in innovation to drive new revenue?
• How do you develop cost savings and new business process efficiencies?
Digital Transformation
Defining digital transformation for your organization
• How to discover the significant drivers behind your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Which areas are being singled out for resource allocation in your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Where in your organization is a significant change required for your digital transformation objectives to be met?
Business Engagement Strategy
How the CIO can create teams to interact directly with the stakeholders
• Develop a strategy to upgrade the workforce as part of the transformation
• Enable the agile enterprise to rethink operations
• Adapt and collaborate with the rest of the business and offer expertise on the digital abilities and ambitions of their business partners
Digital Leadership
How the business and technology leaders can create an ecosystem to support digital transformation
• Build an ecosystem that creates value
• Use leadership styles and platforms to move your organization from instability to stability state
• Enhance your organizational capacity to support the future transformation
The Evolution of Traditional Business Applications in the Cloud Era
Cloud adoption strategies that integrate with existing systems
• How to improve the customer experience while delivering innovation
• Alignment of performance metrics to business outcomes
• Building a true Hybrid Cloud strategy and balancing deployment trade-offs
Adaptive Security Architecture
Unlock the potential value of security architecture
• Develop and use security architecture tailored to fit your business strategy
• Provide a sound basis for protecting your business strategy against cybersecurity threats
• Creating an architecture to adapt to changing needs based upon threat intelligence data and changing attack patterns