Digitize | Transform | Lead | Secure

September 18, 2018 | Minneapolis, MN

Discussion Group Topics:

CIO Leadership and Influence

Becoming a change leader with broader responsibilities and capabilities
• How will the CIO role extend beyond the traditional delivery roles?
• How does the CIO use the organization’s overall strategic goals to help?
• Sponsor / drive change to improve services/products for customers?
• How is the organization of IT helping or impeding a business’s digital transformation?

Strategic IT Modernization

Designing a modernized, strategic IT to deliver faster product and service
• How can you design a social and omni-channel strategy?
• Which strategies should you invest in to allow an integrated customer experience?
• What can your organization do to enhance customer experience?

Disruptive Technologies

How will disruptive technologies change CIOs job in this changing world?
• Initiating tests of digital business vs. scaling digital business into something profitable
• Overcoming the company cultural barriers
• Mastering change, embracing growth and leading like a business executive

Cloud Migration Strategy

How to optimize your migration to the cloud

  • Develop a cloud management maturity roadmap
  • Evaluating transition risk
  • Securing your hybrid and public cloud-based platforms
Adaptive IT: Staying Responsive to your Organization’s Business Needs

How can you adapt to the evolving technological environment for your business to be successful?
• Take advantage of new digital capabilities
• Invest in innovation to drive new revenue
• Develop cost savings and new business process efficiencies

Differentiating Technologies

Business intelligence and analytics are driving delivery of digital products and services
• How will the CIO be involved in this differentiating technology?
• How data and insight create, delivery and life cycle of digital products and services?
• How will analytics help the CIO and the IT Organization cultivate new relationships

Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

How machine learning will transform business intelligence and analytics
• How machine learning uncovers essential insights to your data
• How data analysis can be tuned to deliver the desired outcomes
• How to make BI, analytics, and data-driven decision making more accessible, understandable, and actionable for non-technical users.

Women CIO’s and Leadership

The challenges and opportunities facing women in technology
• Understand the business and communicating well
• Gain a seat at the table for understanding the business objectives, mission and enablers
• Create the opportunity for women CIOs to develop unique understanding of how all parts of the business fit together

IT Transformation: From Supporting the Business to Becoming the Business

Re-inventing your IT organization, its architecture and yourself to succeed amidst massive industry change
• How can you move beyond operational excellence?
• How are you shaping the organization’s broader strategy?
• What is needed to take your IT department to a new level?

Developing an IT Innovation Culture Aligned with the Business Culture

Creating and maintaining an innovative, business-focused culture in your organization
• Driving innovation throughout the organization
• Identifying the steps to align your staff and business to work together
• Successfully applying change management to transformational challenges

CIO Driving Growth

What roles can the CIO adopt to drive business growth?
• What differentiates the top CIO from the typical?
• What non-IT areas the CIO can focus on to drive growth?
• How would you measure your performance?

Measuring ROI for your Innovation Programs

Use the right yardstick to measure your innovation programs
• Making innovation investments that can pay off over the long haul
• Creating a mix of quick wins and long-term aspiration projects
• Using metrics that make sense for each project

Cyber Security

How cyber-attacks impact on the level of confidence in your organization?
• Balancing safety with customer convenience
• The new security risks the IoT presents for your organization
• Designing, monitoring and measuring your cyber-security goals and keeping your data safe

The Next Phase of IT Transformation

How will you reimagine your IT development, delivery and operating models?
• Shifting IT’s focus from maintenance and support system to innovating and enabling business strategy
• Staying responsive to the business and help in shaping the organization’s broader strategy
• Reimaging IT development to enhance IT’s ability to collaborate effectively within the enterprise and beyond its traditional boundaries

Trends in Software as a Service (SaaS)

How SaaS will open the doors for cloud services
• The impact on the growth of Infrastructure and Platform as a Service (IaaS and PaaS)
• Simplify Operations and make it easier for your customers to access services
• Integrate SaaS, IaaS, and / or PaaS into your business processes

Customer Intelligence

Build the technology capabilities to capture your customer’s need
• Creating the “new normal” operating model customer and context-centered
• Offering a seamless Omni-Channel experience, through a smart balance of human and machines
• Transforming customer interaction through artificial intelligence (AI)

IT Team Member Engagement

Build a high-performing IT organization that delivers business value and innovation
• What is the best model for effective business engagement?
• How to create an environment that drives business innovation?
• How to measure IT’s business-value contribution?

Business Analytics

How to set a good data strategy and leverage analytics to expedite business outcomes
• How can you best use data and analytics to find novel applications for critical business problems and generate incremental business value?
• How do you address the changing business expectations for data and what challenges do Chief Analytics Officers face?
• What are some tools at your disposal to ensure you do the best and have your data teams reach their transformational potential?

Information Security Strategies

Information security has increased visibility with the corporate board of directors.
• When the CEO says the board wants to discuss the security strategy, will you be ready?
• Do you have a risk-based approach to security and how do you prioritize investments?
• Are your employee’s parts of the problem or part of the solution? Or both

Benchmarking your IT Organization

Establish benchmarking strategies to meet your enterprise optimal results
• How well are your business strategies aligned with your IT?
• Are you partnering with business executives to implement technology that adds value to the enterprise?
• What techniques and trusted information you are using to evaluate business effectiveness?

Digital Transformation

Leverage the advances and opportunities of digital technologies to transform business competencies and outcomes.
• What are the most significant drivers behind your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Which areas are being singled out for allocation of resources in your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Where in your organization is a significant change required for your digital transformation objectives to be met?

DevOps Practices

Build the DevOps practices to drive your ROI for your organization
• How can a modern CIO create strong collaboration between developers and IT operations?
• Drive business growth and innovation
• Deliver business solutions quickly

The Enterprise of Things (IoT)

The connected workforce and the realization of the Enterprise of Things (IoT)
• How will your organization adapt to the enterprise computing outside of traditional PC?
• What are the impacts that these connected workers and endpoints will have on your enterprise?
• How will you manage and secure your data with these new tools?

Blockchain in your Business

Understanding the impact of blockchain on business processes and IT organizations
• How does the underlying technology work, and what are its main business benefits?
• What are some real-world business use cases and outcomes for those companies?
• What factors should CIOs use to evaluate blockchain proof of concepts or applications in IT?

Open Source Technology

How Open Source is impacting IT
• Why Open Source?
• Do you know if your infrastructure is ready for Open Source?
• How Open Source can improve efficiency, open access to information and eliminate vendor lock-in?

NCS Madison Corp.

101 W Grand Ave, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 239-8584