Digitize, Transform, Prepare, Protect

February 11, 2020 | Seattle, WA


CIO Leadership and Influence
Becoming a change leader with broader responsibilities and capabilities
• How will the CIO role extend beyond the traditional delivery roles?
• How does the CIO use the organization’s overall strategic goals to help sponsor / drive change to improve services/products for customers?
• How is the organization of IT helping or impeding business’s digital transformation?

Developing an IT Innovation Culture Aligned with the Business Culture
Creating and maintaining an innovative, business-focused culture in your organization
• Driving innovation throughout the organization
• Identifying the steps to align your staff and business to work together
• Successfully applying change management to transformational challenges

IT Transformation: When IT Shifts from Supporting the Business to Becoming the Business
How will you re-invent your IT organization, your IT architecture and yourself to succeed amidst massive industry change?
• Moving beyond operational excellence
• Learning to shape the organization’s broader strategy
• Transforming IT to a new level: business model invention

Adaptive IT: Staying Responsive to your Organization’s Business Needs
How can you adapt to the evolving technological environment for your business to be successful?
• Take advantage of new digital capabilities
• Invest in innovation to drive new revenue
• Develop cost savings and new business process efficiencies

Digital Transformation
Leverage the advances and opportunities of digital technologies to transform business competencies and outcomes.
• What are the most significant drivers behind your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Which areas are being singled out for allocation of resources in your organization’s plan for digital transformation?
• Where in your organization is a significant change required for your digital transformation objectives to be met?

Cloud Migration Strategy
How to optimize your migration to the cloud
• Develop a cloud management maturity roadmap
• Evaluating transition risk
• Securing your hybrid and public cloud-based platforms

Strategic IT Modernization
Designing a modernized, strategic IT to deliver faster product and service
• How can you design a social and omni-channel strategy?
• Which strategies should you invest in to allow an integrated customer experience?
• What can your organization do to enhance customer experience?

The Modern CISO & CIO Roles
Why the modern CISO & CIO need to work together more than ever before.
• How the increased focus on cybersecurity has affected the pivotal relationship between the CIO & CISO
• How the threatening events have moved security to the top of the CIO’s agenda
• Build a unified front to support your organization’s information security challenges from top to bottom

Cybersecurity Leadership
 The impact of cybersecurity breach can have on your organization
• How will you defend the pace and scale of advancement in technology?
• Why is understanding changes in adversaries’ tactics critical to your cybersecurity leadership?
• How to adapt your security practices and educate users?

Securing your Cloud Environment
Enabling your business agility by managing risk
• Evaluating transition risk
• Securing your hybrid and public cloud-based platforms
• Protecting your data privacy

Build an Enterprise-Wide IT Security Strategy
How to strengthen the security posture of your organization?
• Establish risk tolerance and appetite
• Determine where you are at and where you want to be
• Leverage security frameworks and best practice to enable your strategy

Authentication and Identity Management
Create secure access to multiple external systems to interconnect with your customers and suppliers
• Adopt a securely connected world
• Develop good practices for working with your business and technical teams
• Implement secure and effective outbound and inbound connections

Information Security Governance
Strengthen your reputation risk management
• Generate an integrated view of information risk
• Adopt a robust and structured approach to assessing and managing risk
• Develop agile practical strategies to deal with incidents quickly and effectively

AI Cybersecurity
How will you use machine learning and AI for your cyber defense?
• What are the impact and the extent of AI on your information security strategies?
• Can AI replace human?
• Learning from the threats and gaining an understanding of how to respond

NCS Madison Corp.

101 W Grand Ave, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 239-8584